• Discover handmade products from talented craftspeople

    Support local artisans by purchasing their unique handmade products.

  • Plan your personalized journey and explore lesser known places

    Book a travel planning session with us if you're looking to make your travels more meaningful.

  • Explore the stories behind each artisan and their craft

    Dive into the rich history and passion that motivates artisans around the globe.

Did you know?

70% of Tourists Visit 1% of Italy

In Italy and around the world, many artisan traditions have been passed down through generations. Yet, with 70% of tourists visiting just 1% of Italy, the unique crafts that once defined regions are at risk of fading. We’re here to change that. By promoting local craftsmanship in lesser known regions, we aim to reignite interest in handmade goods and celebrate the artisans who make each place truly special.

Unexpected Destinations

Beauty and history lies everywhere - not only where your guidebook tells you to go. We show you unexpected locations and what makes them great even if you have never heard about them before.

Quality Items

If you can't travel right now, but want a high quality item inspired by a countries history and culture - visit our online store. Learn all about the people behind a product, how it was made, and how it connects to the local community.

Unique Experiences

What is more unique then experiencing a dinner surrounded by locals who shake your hands and welcome you home. This does not happen in busy tourist location - only if you create your own unique experience away from the crowds.

Handmade Products

Why are you traveling? Is it the local dishes, the culture or the unique products that are inspired by traditions and craftmanship? We show you the quality items that you can find if you leave the well known shopping streets and give smaller and family run business a chance.

  • Positive Community Impact

    When you purchase from a small or family run business, you contribute to their local economy and help to preserve culture and heritage. More and more family run businesses don't make it into the next generation due to the lack of interest and financial opportunities for their successors. By buying from them or visiting these stores, you can fight this.

  • Only Unique Products

    Every product and item holds a story and it's on the customer to decide if it is a great story or a sad one. If you know the background of your item, you can make sure its a good one. We highlight the story behind every product so you can fall in love with it even if you are not directly in the area where its produced.

  • Family Run Business

    Family run businesses play a key role in our society. They all have different approaches to their craft and get inspired by different things. In a world where the most people travel to a city far away only to shop in the same retail store, you can contribute to a diverse world by trying something new.

  • A Step Against Mass Tourism

    Mass tourism has become a problem cities around the world, and not only the local population suffers. By shifting your path away from the top 5 destinations, your tourists dollar goes to communities that benefit directly from the extra attention.

Are you a Brand or Tourism Board?

Contact us today and tell us what makes your product or area unique. We are constantly searching for new and established brands who are looking to widen their customer base and get more exposure. Get featured on Local Terrain and show our visitors what makes you unique.